Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Growing Advancements In The Technology Media Essay

The Growing Advancements In The Technology Media EssayWith the growing advancements in the engineering the mode of intercourse is realness utilized in each theatre is becoming popular these days. Science and engine room have been making straight advancements in every field equivalent, computer science, medical science, mechanical science, telecommunications, media, and so forthtera science and applied science ar outright having its first step in the technological advancements throughout the humans.Since the discovery of fire, to the innovation of the calculator, pendulum, thermometer, clock, medicines, telephone, television, midget gadgets, camera etc. are all great achievements of science. The technological advancements are making the dreams stimulate true and giving relief to the coming generation. Just like pabulum and water, technological advancements are the essendial part of ones flavour in this growing area.Media is one field which is now completely restrict ed on the technological advancements. Just think, if there were no cameras, no engineering science to broadcast, no printing press technologies, no computers, no satellite channels, and no new(prenominal) such advancements, then would it be possible for everyone to know approximately the happenings in the world. Media is in itself a complete encyclopedia of the events that occurred and that are occurring in the world.The closely helpful advancement in the media industry is the innovative engine room of the computers, and broadcasting. Media is the controlling hub for the technological advancements like network, television, mobile devices and the sassys musical compositions and magazines (Diamond, 2010). Media has been emerging now as the most powerful agency that controls the dynamics of information system (Chan, 2004).This paper discusses the advancements of communication technology involving the theatrical intention of cyberspace, newspapers and telecommunication funct ion. Media works on the dominion of the fundamental rights stated in the constitution, that is, freedom of speech, which can be make either in verbal sense or in writing. The countries that do not allow people to have freedom of speech, stick around in the last position in knowing the world facts and regimens of such countries whitethorn not be aware of the needs of the citizens beca do they are not qualified to express their feelings and can not demand for whatsoeverthing (Chan, 2004).The net profit is universe astray purposed in all over the countries across globe. With the increase use of the profits, media is as well as stretching its arms to grab upper limit opportunities in every field. The development of any new technology is the out drive of the requirements in dissimilar fields which is tryed and identified by using surveys and polls all around the world. Any new development is also a result of lick the errors that occurred in the previous versions.The new d evelopments may or may not be good for the society. In this developing world, where everyone is running too steadfast to achieve milestones mesh is really proving to be a amend mention of all hidden knowledge and one can advantageously note all the links on a certain topic easily using a particular touch on of keywords. The sundry(a) search engines try valuable knowledge to the person searching for different purposes (Sen, 2009).Review of commonplaceationsThere are umteen articles that tell close the brilliance of communication technology in the media. This technology involves the use of internet, telephonic communication, newspapers, etc. the most important way of communication involves the use of the internet which brings people from distances come together and share their views about any on-going topic or any lovely of discussion about the political, cultural, and social carriage of a particular region. From many papers, some research are discussed below that la y outs the importance of internet in the media communications(Aelst, 2002).According to Peter Van Aelst, and Stefaan Walgrave, the social behavior of the people and their collective action to differ has taken a ballpark area for the body process and in the democratic world that it gives little surprises to the public and media. The media keeps waiting for such events to occur which make the public go dotty and so make the moment as historical and people further want to take part in such activities without any cause except they become a part of the historical movement. However, for the anti-globalization testifys, the situation was not like for the many others. People will not come for protests as expected from the other countries too. Only some countries expressed their protests which were from Seattle, Washington, Prague and Genoa, showing an upset(prenominal) mixture of the movements from different Nations. Media is so intelligent to broadcast all the movements in a ll areas of the world and is able to make them come together to protest for the same cause(Aelst, 2002). Media is thus playing a very crucial role in organizing the historical movements and share them with the other parts of the world. The article by Peter Van Aelst, and Stefaan walgrave, gives a glimpse of the movements which were in progress and dissect the websites of many protesting organizations with the help of internet. This article presents the contri thoion of the sites that have contributed a locoweed to start the formation of the movements. It also presents the studies on the collective participation of the countries, and the mobilization of a network of organizations. This research truly gives an idea of the role of internet in media and tells that the internet plays a very crucial role in helping out media to gather information from various sites about the ongoing movements and the organizations taking part in the movements to encourage public about the ongoing protest. This article also helps to prove that the use of internet by various organizations is also an indicator to the integration of different Nations and the various agencies. though the use of technology like the internet and other communication gadgets and go is increasing day by day, but it is difficult to give a soundless explanation and analysis that up to what extent this technology will show the miracles in the media industry (Aelst, 2002).Zheng Xiang and Ulrike Gretzel present a paper study on the role of social media as an information source for travelers. Social media are playing an increasingly important role as information sources for travelers(Xiang, 2002). The bugger off of the study is to know the extent to which the internet is able to show better results in the search of travel related websites in the various search engines. For the study, a research design was created to motivate the traveler to search about the site. The traveler is asked to pla n the travel according to a given set of keywords in accordance to the nine United States tourist destinations. The analysis by the user shows after checking the search results, that the social media, that is internet plays a important role in the search results and planning a tour for a particular destination. It also showed that the search engine directs the travelers to the chosen destination without any delay. This study rightly concludes that the use of internet in media serve like the advertisement of the travel tour planning has its roots in it. It also proves to be an important part in the online media generation. It also shows clear attest for obstacles faced by traditional service pop the questionrs like a legislate or face to face information collected for travel-related guidance (Xiang, 2002). deviceThe use of search engines on the internet and the use of mobile devices to take long distances, are the basic innovations done so far that has their maximum use i n the media industry. The use of internet has a profound execution on the people working in the media industry. People are now dependent on the internet for getting help from several resources. In communication technology, telephone and use of mobile devices have a care of research for many years. The discovery of the telephone and the use of printing technology for communication have their roots in the early years of the history. Though the devices and gadgets apply at that time were heavy and are with some limitations, but advancements have gone since then with the use of the technology. The devices have been made small in size and efficiency in their working (Sen, 2009).Internet communication has also been under research for many years. For the first time, the internet has been all for the use of businessmen and entrepreneurs. As the time is running ahead in a fast speed, the use of internet has been increased. It has been widely used by all levels of users. Students, employe es, businessmen, politicians, and all other people are using internet for their works. There are many applications to be used on the internet which serves many different purposes. The main area of research on the internet is the use of the data with certain privacy (Fulk, 1993).In the media industry, the internet serves many purposes like the editing, getting ideas for script writing of the previously written articles, being creative in the presentation and the overall knowledge about the new topics.The communication technology can be further studied for its relevance and the reliability for the public. It seems that as the use of communication technology is increasing, the privacy of a person is decreasing day by day. The privacy of the government organizations and other surreptitious organizations is getting disturbed out-of-pocket to the use of the internet (Ungerleider,1991). query QuestionIt is a question of great pertain about the prostitute of the internet in the media. The internet has been used as a technology for illegal activity to open up some scams in the well-favored organizations which is just similar to the sting operation and so communicated through the internet to the various other organizations. Recently, the rise of Wikileaks and the whistle-blowing activities were in the news which were using internet applications as an illegal agent of the technology.Innovation and Its ImportanceWhistle-blowers are the persons who provide the details of any illegal activity in the country or outside the country that occurs in the government department or the private companies to the public. These activities can be related to the corrupt activities, any scam, fraud, violations of the fundamental duties by the governmental officials, etc. These people then provide such kind of information to the other organizations and then communicate to media for broadcast. When such illegal activities to reach the public, the public from all parts of the world com e together to protest against any crime and which leads to a mass movement throughout the globe (Essienubong, 2010).Many website hackers are able to hack the system of some government agencies also that have much confidential information which is not being shared with the public. Like the role of whistle-blowing technology has changed over time, the technology of the use of the internet by the media and the overall media system has changed.This change in the technologies used by the media to communicate with the other sources throughout the world has to come in front of the public. There are many whistle-blowers that are linked with many organizations and these organizations are linked to many media channels which forms a network and so any information can be exchanged from one time out of the world to the other corner of the world (Fulk,1993).The main area of bushel and the study topic chosen is the changing trends in the internet services to the media and the technology r elated to the whistle-blowers over time. The modern technique involved in the whistle-blowing is the use of internet by which the information can be sent in seconds.PredictionThe prediction in the use of technology is that due to increase in the use of internet technology and the media services, the information safety valve has been increased by the time. This leakage has to be stopped before it goes into the upon hands like the terrorist groups who can misuse the information for their own purposes (Diamond,, 2010).In every country, the terrorist activities can be seen within less time dot which indicates that they have such kind of technology with them like the media and other communication channels, through which they are able to gather the information in less time and efficiently. The research can also be continued to seek the areas which can be harmful if the information reach to wrong hands. much(prenominal) areas can only be explored by the help of internet service s and the media networks all around the globe.For all the research, the help of the media organizations and the use of internet services and various applications will be required that brings the truth of the increasing activity of the internet in the media and other services provided by the internet to media. If the media personals remain in their limit and broadcast only those matters which are of great concern to the public then we can see a peaceful world without any mislead groups in the society.

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