Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ethical standards require businesses and individuals to use moral principles

Ethical standards require businesses and individuals to use moral principles One difference between an ordinary decision and an ethical one lies in the point where the accepted rules no longer serve, and the decision maker is faced with the responsibility for weighing values and reaching a judgement in a situation which is not quite the same as any he or she faced before. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, 1994) Ethics is not simply a glorified intellectual game, of no practical relevance. We become moral individuals by practice; good at being truthful by habitually telling the truth; becoming honest by trying always not to be dishonest. There is nothing abstract about business ethics. It is simply another tool to help the practical business man or woman deal with the endlessly recurring moral dilemmas of business life. There is a connection between our perception of the world and the way in which we make decisions in the world. If managers believe that they are and ought to be rational egoists, concerned only with maximising profit, they will take the decisions accordingl y. If, on the other hand, they are aware of moral theories and social policies that affect their own societies and the wider world, then they will be likely to make rather different and more sophisticated judgements, (Vallance, 1995). The idea of ethics in business focuses on the moral or ethical actions of individuals. It is in this sense that many people, in discussing business ethics, immediately raise examples of immoral or unethical activity by individuals. Included with this notion, however, is also the criticism of multinational corporations that use child labour or pay pitifully low wages to employees in less Developed Countries. Many business people are strongly influenced by their religious beliefs and the ethical norms that they have been taught as part of their religion, and apply these norms in their business activities. Aaron Feuerstein is a prime example of someone whose actions after fire destroyed almost all of his Malden Mills factory complex kept his workers on the payroll until he could rebuild. He has stated often and publicly that he just did what his Jewish faith told him was the right thing to do (Richard T De George). The study of Business Ethics has evolved through many years since before the 1960s. Business ethics continues to change rapidly as most organisations recognise the advantages of improved ethical conduct in business and there is an increased understanding between business ethics and financial performance. Up until 1960 ethical issues related to business were often discussed theologically. Through churches, synagogues and mosques, individual moral issues related to business ethics were addressed. Religious leaders raised questions about fair wages, labour practises and the morality of capitalism. Courses began being offered in social ethics in some catholic colleges and universities. During the 1970s business ethics began to develop as a field of study. Theologians and religious thinkers laid down groundwork suggesting that certain religious principles could be applied to business activities. Because of this professors began to teach and write about corporate social responsibility. By the end of 1970s a number of ethical issues had emerged and business ethics became a common expression. In the 1980s business academics and practitioners acknowledged business ethics as a field of study. Business ethics organisations grew and expanded to include thousands of members. Many rules of business began changing at a phenomenal rate because of less regulation. Corporations had more freedom to make decisions, and the government developed new mandatory federal sentencing guidelines to control firms that were involved in misconduct. Business ethics today is still an evolving field of study. Business ethical issues can be approached from the perspective of law, philosophy, theology or social sciences; or they can dealt with in a pragmatic spirit, seeking solution for specific managerial problems. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002.) Some ethical principles include: Fudicary Duty, Property Principle, Reliability Principle, Transparency Principle and Dignity Principle. Fudicary Duty involves each officer having a legal fudicary duty to act in the best interests of the stakeholders and other employee within the firm such as, loyalty. Property Principle is based on the belief that every employee should respect property as well as the rights of the owners of the property for example, theft. Reliability Principle believes that it is the employees responsibility to honour the commitments that they have made to the firm for example, breaching a contract. Transparency Principle is based on the belief that every employee should conduct business in a truthful and open manner and assumes they will not make decisions based on a personal agenda. Dignity Principle believes that each employee needs to respect the dignity of all individuals such as safety and privacy. Fairness Principle based on belief that stakeholders who have vested interest in the firm should be treated fairly for example they should be entitled to fair reciprocal. Citizenship Principle believes that every employee should act as responsible citizen in the community, for example they should abide and respect the laws of the community. Responsiveness Principle based on belief that employees have the responsibility to respond to requests for information about operations from various stakeholders. Being socially responsible will enable you to get greater profits, be more responsive to consumer demands and attract investment. An example of a socially responsible company is The Body Shop (Harvey, 2010). Social Responsibility is the obligation a business assumes to have for society. To be socially responsible is to maximise positive effects and minimise negative effects on society. The economic responsibilities of a business are to produce goods and services that meet the needs and wants of society at a price that can perpetuate the business while also satisfy the needs of the investors. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994) The legal responsibilities of businesses are the laws that they must obey. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994) The civil laws are the rights and duties of individuals and organisations. The criminal laws prohibit specific actions and impose fines and/or imprisonment as punishment for breaking the law. (Harvey, 2010) At a minimum, companies are expected to be responsible for their employees obeying local, state and federal laws. Ethical responsibilities are the behaviours or activities that are expected of the business by society but are not codified in law. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994 ) These are the standards, norms, or expectations that reflect the concern of major stakeholders. (Harvey, 2010) Consider the responsibility issues for many riverboat casinos that serve their patrons as many free drinks as they want. The result is that many of the drunken patrons may decide to drive after leaving their premises and then cause an accident. For example, one patron at the Players Casino in Louisiana, had twelve drinks in two hours, got into his vehicle and then crashed into a van carrying five people, causing three of them to lose their lives. Although the casino operators fulfilled their legal responsibility to provide alcoholic beverages to adults only, they sometimes fail to address the ethical issues presented by the spirit of law. The final obligation a business assumes towards society is philanthropic responsibilities. These are the behaviours and activities that society desire and business values dictate. Philanthropic responsibilities represent the companys des ire to give back to charity. For example, Ben Jerrys donate 7.5% of pretax profits to charity. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002.) The idea of social responsibility became prominent during the 1960s in response to changing social values. Many businesses have tried to determine what relationships, obligations and duties are appropriate between the business organisation and society. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002.) Therefore, Social Responsibility can be viewed as a social contract with society, whereas ethics relates to carefully thought-out rules of moral philosophy that guide individual decision-making. While business ethics relates to the effect of moral rules and principles on individual decisions, social responsibility is concerned with the decisions the organisation makes and their effect on society, (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994). Corporate Social Responsibility refers to any voluntary business activity that goes beyond legal compliance, enhancing economic performance and contributing to sustainable development of the environment and the community in which a business operates. Corporate Social Responsibility is a decision for business and generally a companys CSR activity will fall under one of four priority headings: workplace, environment, community or marketplace. Corporate Social Responsibility is getting more and more attention as the natural complement of social activities and business sustainability is gaining recognition. Contemporary developments, values and stakeholder expectations have shifted and to survive companies must develop new activities and processes that reflect the societal, demographic, economic and legislative changes. Better working relationships with stakeholders can result from the greater management of expectations, (IBEC Policy, 2006). Business ethics attempts to apply general moral principles to business activities in order to resolve, or at least clarify, the moral issues which typically arise in business. (Vallance, 1995) Moral philosophy refers to the principles or rules that people use to decide what is right and wrong. For example, a production manager may be guided by a general philosophy of management that emphasises encouraging workers to know as much as possible about the product they are manufacturing. It comes into play when the manager must make decisions such as whether to notify employees in advance of upcoming layoffs. Although the workers might like advance warning, its side effects may have an affect on production quality and quantity. There are many moral philosophies and each one is complex. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Some types include: Teleology, Deontology, The Relativist Perspective, Virtue Ethics and Justice. Teleology is an act considered morally right or acceptable if it produces some desired result i.e., realisation of self-interest or utility. The two teleological philosophies are Egoism and Utilitarianism. Egoism is the right or acceptable behaviour in terms of the consequences for the individual. (Harvey, 2010) In an ethical decision- making situation, an egoist will probably choose the alternative that contributes most to their own self interest. Many believe that egoists are inherently unethical, that such people and organisations are short term oriented and will take advantage of any opportunity or consumer. For example, some telemarketers demonstrate this negative egoistic tendency when they prey on elderly consumers who may be vulnerable because of loneliness or the fear of losing financial independence. Many senior citizens fall victim to fraudulent telemarketers each year. In many cases they lose all their savings and in some cases their homes. Utilitarianism is concerned with the consequences in terms of seeking the greatest good for the greates t number of people. Utilitarian decision making relies on a systematic comparison of the costs and the benefits to all affected parties. Using a cost benefit analysis, a utilitarian decision maker calculates the utility of the consequences of all possible alternatives and then selects the one that results in the greatest utility. For example, the Supreme Court has said that employers are responsible for the sexual misconduct of supervisors, even if the employers knew nothing about it. Thus, it has established a strict standard for harassment on the job. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Deontology focuses on the rights of the individual and on the intentions associated with behaviour not on the consequences. It believes that there are some things we should not do regardless of the utility. (Harvey, 2010) Unlike utilitarians, deontologists argue that there are some things that we should not do, even to maximise utility. For example, deontologists would consider it wrong to kill or harm an innocent person, no matter how much utility might result from doing so, because such an action would infringe on that persons rights as an individual. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) The Relativist Perspective states that ethical behaviour is defined by experience of the individual and the group. (Harvey, 2010) Relativists use themselves or the people around them as their basis for defining ethical standards. The relativist observes the actions of members of a group and attempts to determine the group consensus on a given behaviour. A positive consensus signifies that the action is considered right or ethical. Such judgements may not remain the same forever i.e., advertising in the accounting profession. Relativism acknowledges that we live in a society in which people have many different views and bases from which to justify decisions as right or wrong. The relativist looks to the interacting group and tries to determine probable solutions based on the group consensus. When formulating business strategies and plans, a relativist would try to anticipate the conflicts that will arise between the different philosophies held by members of the organisation, its suppliers, customers and the community at large. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Virtue Ethics consists of trust, self-control, empathy, fairness and truthfulness. (Harvey, 2010) Attributes in contrast to virtue would include lying, cheating, fraud and corruption. The problem of virtue ethics comes in its implementation within and between cultures. Those who practise virtue ethics go beyond societal norms. For example, if an organisation tacitly approves of corruption, the employee who adheres to the virtues of trust and truthfulness would consider it wrong to sell unneeded repair parts despite the organisations approval to do so. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Justice is fair treatment and due reward in accordance with ethical or legal standards. Justice deals more with the issue of wh at individuals feel they are due based on their rights and performance in the workplace. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) One type of organisational justice is distributive justice. It is based on the evaluation of the outcome or results of the business relationship. If you perceive that you are underpaid, you may cut back on your amount of work output. Another type is procedural justice. It is based on the processes and activities that produce the results or outcomes. A procedural justice climate is expected to positively influence workplace attitudes and behaviours related to work group cohesion. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Interactional justice is another type of justice. It is based on the evaluation of the communication processes used in the business relationship. Supervisor visibility and work-group perceptions of cohesion are associated with procedural justice. Wainwright Bank and Trust Corporation in Boston has made a commitment to promote justice to all its stake holders with a sense of inclusion and diversity that extends from the boardroom to the mail room. This example illustrates that procedural justice seeks to establish relationships by providing understanding and inclusion in the decision-making process. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Organisational Justice is the study of fairness in organisations. Companies may promote organisational justice by paying their employees what they deserve, offering workers a voice, openly following fair procedures, training all workers to be fair and explaining decisions thoroughly in a manner demonstrating dignity and respect. (Harvey, 2010) An ethical issue is a problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual or organisation to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right and wrong, ethical or unethical. Ethical issues typically arise because of conflicts between individuals personal moral philosophies and values and the values and attitudes of the organisations in which they work and the society in which they live. Ethical issues can be explored in terms of the major participants and functions of the business. A good rule of thumb is that an activity approved by most members of an organisation and customary in the industry is probably ethical. An issue, activity, or situation that can withstand open discussion and survive untarnished probably poses no ethical problem. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994). A reason for unethical behaviour is individual differences in cognitive moral development. Situational determinants of unethical behaviour involves the organisation encouraging behaviour that violates ethical standards or workers emulate the unethical behaviour of their superiors. (Harvey, 2010)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Marketing Plan for a New Hospital

Abstract This paper is talking about a marketing plan for Amcare hospital. Amcare hospital is a brand new private hospital in Beijing — the capital of China. Nowadays China has more than 1. 3 billion people, in Beijing there are about 20 millions residents, compared with such a large population base, the medical resources are quite limited, which means there are great potential opportunity for a new hospital.In this marketing plan, i demonstrate the mission statement of Amcare hospital, described the target market, analyze the SWOT and STEER of this new hospital, finally there are sales projections about the best and the worst case scenario. 1 Mission statement Amcare Hospital is dedicated to providing professional, comprehensive, tailored healthcare services to our patients. Amcare Hospital will assess the healthcare needs of patients and respond to these needs. 2 Executive Summary Who are we?Amcare hospital is a private hospital operated in an American way, this is the first meaning for Amcare, it is totally different with China’s local hospital, we pay more attention to our service and environment, although family healthcare is a new concept in China, our goal is to be the best family healthcare center. What we do? Provide tailored healthcare service is our mission, we always try to satisfy our patients and their family’s needs. We are not only focus on cure illnesses, we also try to help the community maintain healthy. Expanded Description 3. 1 Service Amcare hospital will provides medical services for routine health matters, on-going health conditions, and well-woman gynecological services. Besides this, we also offer humanization and individuation service to the patients. For example, in our pediatric department we supply American immunization schedule for those family just stay in China for a short time. Except these special medical service, we accept international insurance direct billing.Through our advanced appointment system, pat ient just need a call to to make a appointment which is different with China’s local hospital. 3. 2 Family healthcare Family healthcare is a brand new concept in China. Family Healthcare is a comprehensive, primary care that provides excellent medical and dental care to anyone and everyone who needs it. In simple terms, Amcare hospital is not a specialist hospital, we have medicine, dental, gynecology, obstetrics, pediatric, physical check-up department. 3. 3 EnvironmentIn Amcare hospital, all the wards are single room with bath room inside, according to size and facility, there are three different types for patients:standard room, family room, VIP room. For example,i n family room there is an extra bed for family members. If without those medical equipment, our hospital totally like a hotel. 4 Market description 4. 1 Target market Target market means a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services. Target customers are those who most likely to buy. For Amcare hospital, target customers are three different groups.The first one is foreigners, according to the bureau of statistics of beijing, at the end of 2011, there about 100,000 American and European, 200,000 Koreans and 20. 000 Japanese live in Beijing. The second group is employees in multinational companies and the last group is overseas returnees. 4. 2 Needs of target customers As i mentioned above, our target customers are those kinds who received high education and good income, the characteristics of these groups are they have higher requirement about service and environment and pay less attention to price. 5 CompetitionAccording to target market, those local hospital in Beijing are not our competitors, our mainly competitor is United family hospital, this is the first private hospital in Beijing was opened in 1997, through more than ten years effort, they earn an excellent reputation in beijing’s market, but there is a significant weakness, the price are ex tremely high, the ordinary white-collar cannot afford such a high price. There are some other small international clinics only works on special area, so the competition is not very tough. 6 Distribution Channel 6. 1 MediaFor a brand new hospital, we will use social media such as TV, magazines, internet to promote our hospital, advertising is most effective when customer awareness about a service is minimal. 6. 2 Corporation membership In terms of China’s rapid growth of economic and large population, there are many multinational set up branch company or office in Beijing, so we could cooperate with those corporation, give some discounts to their staff. 6. 3 Insurance membership Membership benefits all the participants, we could work on both domestic and international insurance company. SWOT Analysis 7. 1 Strengths The strengths of Amcare hospital are good and comfortable environment, professional and patient-oriental service, less expensive price. Compared with local hospital , our service are much better, compared with out mainly competitor, our price are more attractive. 7. 2 Weaknesses For a new business, no unified corporate culture is the first weakness we should overcome, corporate culture reflects the core value of that company and is the guideline for what they should do and how to do.All of our staff are hired from different hospital with different background, we need at least one year to forming a stable team with Amcare style. The second weakness is lack of market recognition, people does not know who we are, and weather we do supple a professional medical service, no one wants to take adventure with their health. 7. 3 Opportunities China’s medical market was controlled by government for a long time, until now nearly 95% local hospital are still state-owned.Only recently years foreigner investment and private investment are allowed to come into medical market, at the same time, aging population increased day by day, there is great deman d of medical service. To some extent nowadays we call healthcare industry are sunrise industry which shows the great potential market opportunity. Another opportunity for Amcare hospital is location, we located in the capital, many transnational company and embassy make sure that we donnot need to worry about the resource of target customers. 7. 4 ThreatsNot only in China, many countries confronted with enormous challenges from aging population, there are is great demand of skilled nurse and doctors. Every year, many other countries come to China to hire nurse who can speak English, we called this brain drain, this phenomenon will lead our hospital more difficult to hired quified workers and increased our labor cost. Another threats is black sheep syndrome, there are some private hospital located in southern part of China, there are use false information cheating customers in order to earn more money, after broadcasting by medial, people will lack confidence about private hospital. STEER Analysis 8. 1 Socio-Culture impact In China, especially those old age group donnot trust private hospital, i want through our effort, people turn to have a positive impression about private hospital, we are caring more about our service and our patient’s satisfaction than our profits. 8. 2 Technology Few industries are more greatly affected by technology than health care. Technology refers to the innovations or inventions from applied science and research. As new technology enters the market, the existing products or service are pushed out.For my new hospital, one of the most important is our patients information system, through this system we share the information with front desk, nurse station, doctor office lab and some other support departments, this is an elemental factor that make sure we provide our service effectively. 8. 3 Ecological Requirement When mentioned hospital, people always connect with these words: virous, bacterial, infectious. Amcare hospital will set up a special department to control asepsis, our orientation is to be an environment-friendly hospital. 8. 4 Economic PotentialNowadays in China, because of the aging population and large population base, medical industry considered to be sunrise industry. If a hospital achieve the commitments to their patients, there will be a great economic potential. 8. 5 Regulation factor Regulation consists of the rules or restrictions placed on hospital by central or state governments. Within health care, there is a wide array of regulations pertaining to the delivery of care. In China, there are many detailed regulations about a hospital how to pricing, distribution and promotion. What we can do is just government compliance. 9 Benchmarks 9. 1 New patients ratesThrough diversity marketing tools, attract customers to come to our hospital is not difficult, but how to change the trial purchase to be repeat volume is what we should work on. In the first year, if our new patients rate keep incr easing10% every month can be considered customers accredit what we have done. 9. 2 Satisfaction rates From the very beginning, we will conduct our patient satisfaction survey, the basic requirement of satisfaction rates should above 96%. 9. 3 JCI certification JCI is short for joint commission international, is one of the groups providing international healthcare accreditation services to hospitals round the world and brings income into the U. S. -based parent organization. This not-for-profit private company currently accredits hospitals in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and South America. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized worldwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards. Now in China, only 15 hospitals got this certification, until at the end of 2012,untied family hospital is the only private hospital passed JCI accreditation.If my hospital could pass JCI certification, it will b e a milestone in Amcare’s history. 10 Customer service 10. 1 Policy Our customer service policy is treat every customer with equal respect and be flexible to satisfy there needs. 10. 2 Organization Customer service organization composed of three groups: assistant, representative, manager. Assistant will be responsible for paper work and do some basic job, this position will supply for those just graduate from school and do not have much experience about customer service.Representative are mainly responsible for maintain relationship with customers, every customer in Amcare will have their own customer service representative, no matter what kind of problem they meet, their representative will take care of their issues. The highest lever is manager, this position will control the whole department and deal with complain. 11 Sales projections 11. 1 Best case scenario As the above graphic showing, the best case scenario is both the total number of patient and new patients keeps gr owing. The estimate maximum point will come be 360 after one and half year’s effort. 1. 2 Worst case scenario this is the worst case scenario, for a hospital, patient is everything. Without continuous new patients, a hospital is not far from closed. Conclusion Open a new business is not easy, especially my dream is open a hospital provide medical service. this marketing plan includes many things from understanding my target market ,what our target customer needs and my competitive position in that market, to how can i intend to reach that market and differentiate Amcare from our competitor in order to make a sale.Due to China’s rapid economic growth and large population, this market full of opportunities, but as a new one in this market, Amcare hospital still face lots of challenges. Bibliography Actual and projected percentage of people above 65 in China (partial data from Leeder et al. , Columbia University, 2005) http://www. jointcommission. org/about_us/about_the_j oint_commission_main. aspx http://www. zaijiuye. net/html/2011-1/20111231307381. htm Essentials of Health Care Marketing; By Eric N. Berkowitz, Second Edition; Published by Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2006; ISBN 0763783501, 9780763783501 http://www. famhealthcare. rg/ http://beijing. ufh. com. cn/en/home/about-us/ http://wenku. baidu. com/view/fe4aa24433687e21af45a90d. html â€Å"Healthcare Compliance 360 | HIPAA Compliance | Policy Management | JCAHO Accreditation†. Compliance360. com. Retrieved October 17, 2011. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Medical Records and Health Information Technicians, on the Internet at http://www. bls. gov/ooh/healthcare/medical-records-and-health-information-technicians. htm Simmons J. Primary Care Needs New Innovations to Meet Growing Demands. HealthLeaders Media, May 27, 2009.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Hotel Computerized Reservation and Billing System Essay

The earliest evidence of technological progress in the India is to be found in the remains of Harappan civilization (4000-3000 BC.). Archaeological remains point to the existence of well planned urban centres the boasted of private and public dwelling laid out in orderly fashion along with roads and drainage systems completing them. The drainage systems are particularly remarkable for the times since they are built underground and constructed in a manner to allow for regular cleaning. The small drains from privates homes connected to the larger public drains while the larger dwellings are invariably multi-storied and all homes were constructed from standardized fired and provided for separate cooking areas and toilets. Storage facilities for grains and goods for trade were built as a public baths and other building intended for various public function. And the urban centres planned riverine or sea-ports with accurate weights and measures were in use and ports such as lothal were developed as export centres of early manufactured products form smelted copper and bronze. Kilns for smelting copper ingots and casting tools were in existence as were metal tools such as curved or circular saws, pierced needles and most significantly, bronze drills with twisted grooves. The drill enabled the production of items with unparallel precision for the times and could be regarded as an ancient precursor of the modern machine tool. There is also evidence of planned irrigation systems and it’s appears that fire and flood control measures to protect farms and villages were also in decorated in a variety of colours and design. Cotton was grown and used to produce textiles. LEARNING INSIGHT: In their technology they well planned what they needs or priority. They choose what they much needed or uses, and every technology they think if that technology can contribute them a lot. Like they created a drainage system that very useful for their regular cleaning, I learned in their technology that every uses is important so that we don’t waste a money, time to create a particular technology and effort. Definition and boundary India is the second most populous country in the world. It is also sometimes called Bharat, its ancient name. India’s land frontier stretches from the Arabian Sea on the west to the Bay of Bengal on the east and touches Pakistan, west China, Nepal and northeast and Myanmar, east. New Delhi is India’s capital and Mumbai that formerly Bombay its largest city. The southern half of India is a largely upland area that thrusts a triangular peninsula into the Indian Ocean between the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west and has a coastline; at its southern tip is Kanniyakumri (Cape Comorin). In the north, towering above peninsular India, is the Himalayan mountain wall, where rise the three great rivers of the Indian subcontinent-the Indus, the Ganges, and the Brahmaputra. The Gangetic alluvial plain, which has much of India’s arable land, lies between the Himalayas and the dissected plateau occupying most of peninsular India. The Aravalli range, a ragged hill belt, extends from the borders of Gujarat in the southwest to the fringes of Delhi in the northeast. The plain is limited in the west by the Thar (Great Indian) Desert of Rajasthan, which merges with the swampy Rann of Kachchh to the south. The southern boundary of the plain lies close to the Yamuna and Ganges river; where the broken hills of the Chambal, Betwa, and Son rivers rise to the low plateaus of Malwa in the west and Chota Nagpur in the east. The Narmada River, south of the Vindhya hills, marks the beginning of the Deccan. The triangular plateau, scarped by the mountains of the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats, is drained by the Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri rivers; they break through the Eastern Ghats and, flowing east into the Bay of Bengal, form broad deltas on the wide Coromand el Coast. Further north, the Mahanadi River drains India into the Bay of Bengal. The much narrower western coast of peninsular India; comprising chiefly the Malabar Coast and the fertile Gujarat plain, bends around the Gulf of Khambat in the north to the Kathiawar and Kachchh peninsulas. The coastal plains of peninsular India have a tropical, humid climate. The republic is divided into 28 states: Andhra Pradesh; Arunachal Pradesh; Assam; Bihar; Chhattisgarh; Goa; Gujarat; Haryana; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu and Kashmir; Jharkhand; Karnataka; Kerala; Madhya;Pradesh; Maharashtra; Manipur; Meghalaya; Mizoram; Nagaland; Orissa; Punjab; Rajasthan; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu; Tripura; Uttaranchal; Uttar Pradesh; and West Bengal (see Bengal). There are also seven union territories: the Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Chandigarh; Dadra and Nagar Haveli; Daman and Diu; Delhi; Lakshadweep; and Puducherry. Kashmir is disputed with Pakistan. In 1991, India had 23 cities with urban areas of more than 1 million people: Ahmadabad, Bangalore (Bengaluru), Bhopal, Chennai (Madras), Coimbatore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kanpur,Koch, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai,Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Surat, Vadodara , Varanasi, and Vishakhapatnam. LEARNING INSIGHT: I learned that India is one of the biggest countries in the world. They most blessed country because they compass the biggest and the three great rivers in our world. I learned also that India is the second most popular country; other said that they are second popular because of their largest boundary and their popular rivers. Distinct culture The ethnic composition of India is complex, but two major strains predominate: the Aryan, in the north, and the Dravidian, in the south. India is a land of great cultural diversity, as is evidenced by the enormous number of different languages spoken throughout the country. Although the constitution forbids the practice of â€Å"untouchability,† and legislation has been used to reserve quotas for former untouchables (and also for tribal peoples) in the legislatures, in education, and in the public services, the caste system continues to be influential. LEARNING INSIGHT: I learned also India is rich and popular in their particular culture. They composed of two major grouped, the Aryan and Dravidian. Even though they are divided into two they also one in terms of sharing and continued influencing of their distinct culture. They are also the land of great cultural diversity that even though the Filipinos admired their cultures. Economy India often like two separate countries: village India, supported by traditional agriculture, where tens of millions live below the poverty line; and urban India, one of the most heavily industrialized areas in the world, with an increasingly middle-class population and a fast-growing economy (and also much poverty). Agriculture makes up some 20% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and employs about 60% of the Indian people. Vast quantities of rice are grown wherever the land is level and water plentiful; other crops are wheat, sugarcane, potatoes, pulses, sorghum, bajra (a cereal), and corn. Cotton, tobacco, oilseeds, and jute are the principal non food crops. There are large tea plantations in Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. The opium poppy is also grown, both for the legal pharmaceutical market and the illegal drug trade; cannabis is produced as well. Fragmentation of holdings, inefficient methods of crop production, and delays in acceptance of newer, high-yielding grain s were characteristic of Indian agriculture in the past, but since the Green Revolution of the 1970s, significant progress has been made in these areas. Improved irrigation, the introduction of chemical fertilizers, and the use of high-yield strains of rice and wheat have led to record harvests. The subsistence-level existence of village India, ever threatened by drought, flood, famine, and disease, has been somewhat alleviated by government agricultural modernization efforts, but although India’s gross food output has been generally sufficient for the needs of its enormous population, government price supports and an inadequate distribution system still threaten many impoverished Indians with hunger and starvation. India has perhaps more cattle per capita than any other country, but their economic value is severely limited by the Hindu prohibition against their slaughter. Goats and sheep are raised in the arid regions of the west and northwest. Water buffalo also are raised, and there is a large fish catch. India has forested mountain slopes, with stands of oak, pine, sal, teak, ebony, palms, and bamboo, and the cutting of timber is a major rural occupation. Aside from coal, iron ore, mica, manganese, bauxite, and titanium, in which the country ranks high, India†™s mineral resources, although large, are not as yet fully exploited. The Chota Nagpur Plateau of S Jharkhand and the hill lands of SW West Bengal, N Orissa, and Chhattisgarh are the most important mining areas; they are the source of coal, iron, mica, and copper. There are workings of magnesite, bauxite, chromite, salt, and gypsum. Despite oil fields in Assam and Gujarat states and the output of Bombay High offshore oil fields, India is deficient in petroleum. There are also natural-gas deposits, especially offshore in the Bay of Bengal. Industry in India, traditionally limited to agricultural processing and light manufacturing, especially of cotton, woolen, and silk textiles, jute, and leather products, has been greatly expanded and diversified in recent years; it employs about 12% of the workforce. There are large textile works at Mumbai and Ahmadabad, a huge iron and steel complex (mainly controlled by the Tata family) at Jamshedpur, and steel plants at Rourkela, Bhilainagar, Durgapur, and Bokaro. Bangalore has computer, electronics, and armaments industries. India also produces large amounts of machine tools, transportation equipment, chemicals, and cut diamonds (it is the world’s largest exporter of the latter) and has a significant computer software industry. Its large film industry is concentrated in Mumbai, with other centers in Kolkata and Chennai. In the 1990s the government departed from its traditional policy of self-reliant industrial activity and development and worked to deregulate Indian industry and attract foreign investment. Since then the service industries have become a major source of economic growth and in 2005 accounted for more than half of GDP; international call centers provide employment for an increasing number of workers. LEARNING INSIGHT: Sometimes when we heard the country of India, we come in our mine the most poverty country, because sometimes that the way we recognized the country, but the truth India also is rich in the other products that we have, but sometimes even though we are plenty in that particular products we don’t avoid to have a two kinds of people, the poorest and riches. The India also is most rich in oil, that even though our country importing them because of their great three rivers. So India has also a big possibility to be one of the riches countries someday because of their products and the contribution of the people there. History The people of India have had a continuous civilization since 2500 B.C, when the inhabitants of the Indus River valley developed an urban culture based on commerce and sustained by agricultural trade. This civilization declined around 1500 B.C., probably due to ecological changes. During the second millennium B.C., pastoral, Aryan-speaking tribes migrated from the northwest into the subcontinent. As they settled in the middle Ganges River valley, they adapted to antecedent cultures. The political map of ancient and medieval India was made up of myriad kingdoms with fluctuating boundaries. In the 4th and 5th centuries A.D., northern India was unified under the Gupta Dynasty. During this period, known as India’s Golden Age, Hindu culture and political administration reached new heights. Islam spread across the Indian subcontinent over a period of 500 years. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Turks and Afghans invaded India and established sultanates in Delhi. In the early 16th century, descendants of Genghis Khan swept across the Khyber Pass and established the Mughal Dynasty, which lasted for 200 years. From the 11th to the 15th centuries, southern India was dominated by Hindu Chola and Vijayanagar Dynasties. During this time, the two systems–the prevailing Hindu and Muslim–mingled, leaving lasting cultural influences on each other. The first British outpost in South Asia was established in 1619 at Surat on the northwestern coast. Later in the century, the East India Company opened permanent trading stations at Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta, each under the protection of native rulers. Learning insight; India started also in small things, they start nothing like us, but the leaders find the way that India is to be the one most popular country, but later on they recognized second of the most popular after the China. They recognize in terms of their achievements, invention and discoveries. They also develop their country and protect their country and what they have to reserve for the new generation. Languages and literature The language and literature of India has age-old tradition. Language and literature in India, in the present times is a wonderful mixture of various regional, national and international influences. However, the discussion about language and literature of India never completes unless they talk about the Rig Veda manuscript in Devanagari, during the early 19th century. According to the historical evidences, the Rigvedic Sanskrit is one of the oldest attestations of any Indo-Iranian language. Sanskrit is also regarded as one of the earliest language of the Indo-European language family, which includes English and most European languages. However, when it comes to spoken language, Hindi, always deserves a special attention. It is the â€Å"Sanskritized register† of the Khariboli dialect. In addition to all modern Indo-Aryan languages, Munda languages and Dravidian languages have derived a lot of words either directly from Sanskrit, or indirectly via middle Indo-Aryan languages. Sa nskrit is the mother of all the literary forms of (Dravidian) Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. Part of the Eastern Indo-Aryan languages, the Bengali language took its form from the eastern Middle Indic languages and its roots can be traced to the 5th century BC Ardhamagadhi language. Tamil also is one of the leading classical languages in India, which has its source in the Proto-Dravidian languages. It was the spoken medium around the third millennium BC in peninsular India. And the literary pieces in this language are in existence for over two thousand years. The earliest epigraphic records in Tamil language were found in the third century BC. Another major Dravidian language, Kannada is in existence since the mid-1st millennium AD. It was highly flourished during the 9th to 10th century of Rashtrakuta Dynasty. It was also popular in the Satavahana and Kadamba periods. The language and its history existed for over 2000 years. The Ashoka rock edict found at Brahmagiriis known to be inscribed in Kannada. Indian epics are considered to be forming a significant part of country’s literature . The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are known to be the oldest preserved epics of India. Versions of these great literary pieces have been adopted as the epics of Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Ramayana consists of 24,000 verses in seven books and 500 cantos , which narrates the story of Rama (an incarnation or Avatar of the Hindu preserver-god Vishnu) and his wife Sita, who is abducted by the demon king of Lanka, Ravana. In fact, this epic is considered the primary one to establish the role of dharma as the guiding force of living a life. The epic Mahabharata is the earliest of all. It dates back to 400 BC and is estimated to have reached its final form by the early Gupta period. Other regional variations of these, as well as unrelated epics include the Tamil Ramavataram, Kannada Pampa Bharata, Hindi Ramacharitamanasa, and Malayalam Adhyathmaramayanam. Many other epic literatures, written in classical languages are also popular in India. LEARNING INSIGHT: In terms of language and literature in India also influences of regional, national or international. They have greatest language like us that we can give a special attention or we can be proud when we speak in that language. The India also is has a popular people in terms of their literature, they also popular because of their greatest contribution and controversial literature that they written even though it is maybe old other can mark in their heart and mine. Beliefs The Indian society is fast progressing, there are many people who are still superstitious and have a strong faith in the local beliefs. While some of them are quite hilarious, few others are really interesting, as many aspects of life are linked to them. Few beliefs even find their way into the Indian religious texts and scriptures. The standard viewpoint is that most of the Indian beliefs and values have sprung with an objective to protect from evil spirits, but some were based on scientific reasoning. With the passage of time, the reasoning part behind the origin of these cultural beliefs and superstitions got eroded. That is exactly why most of these beliefs appear unsubstantiated and false. However, in reality, there are many such beliefs in the Indians culture which are absolutely absurd and have no logic behind them. Superstitions are deemed as pertinent in India because these, generally, hint at future occurrences and can be either good or bad. Thus, anything from the call of a bird to the falling of utensils is considered an omen in India. Many of the traditional superstitions in India are connected with animals, birds and reptiles. For instance, seeing an elephant when one is leaving for a journey is considered lucky. This is because an elephant represents Lord Ganesha, the Indian God who is the harbinger of good luck and removes obstacles. Similarly, other auspicious signs could be cawing of a black crow in one’s house, as it forecasts the arrival of guests. Seeing a peacock on a journey is also considered lucky, but hearing its shrill sound is bad. Indians feel happy if a sparrow builds a nest in a new house because it signals good fortune. A very old belief is that if you kill a cat, you have to offer one in gold to a priest. This belief or superstition was concocted by the priests to protect the cats, which are useful in killing the rats in people’s houses. Leaving one’s home after wedding or for some other important task is a significant occasion. Thus, Indians often consult astrological charts to fix an auspicious time for this. Again, it is considered lucky to see cereals, paddy, cotton, hay or a newly wedding before embarking on a journey. In India, you may also come across or hear about people who help in interpreting other’s dreams. Even the daily life of Indians is governed by beliefs and superstitions. For example, Monday is not an auspicious day for shaving and Thursday is a bad day for washing one’s hair. LEARNING INSIGHT: A particular country even though they have a fast progressing we don’t avoid or omit to believe in our belief. We don’t have the right to control their self to beliefs, because sometimes in their beliefs they find the goodness but if there is good their also bad. Sometimes the country also recognized in their beliefs so we need to respect them. Religion India is the birth place of four of the world’s major religious traditions; namely Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Religion has been an important part of the country’s culture. Religious diversity and religious tolerance are both established in the country by law and custom. A vast majority of Indians associate themselves with a religion. According to the 2001 census, Hinduism accounted for 80.5% of the population of India. Islam (13.4%), Christianity (2.3%) and Sikhism (1.9%) are the other major religions followed by the people of India. This diversity of religious belief systems existing in India today is a result of, besides existence and birth of native religions, assimilation and social integration of religions brought to the region by traders, travelers, immigrants, and even invaders and conquerors. Zoroastrianism and Judaism also have an ancient history in India and each has several thousand Indian adherents. India has the largest population of people adhering to Zoroastrianism and Baha’i Faith anywhere in the world. Many other world religions also have a relationship with Indian spirituality, like the Baha’i faith which recognizes Lord Buddha and Lord Krishna as manifestations of God Almighty. The Muslim population in India is the third largest in the world. The shrines of some of the most famous saints of Sufism like Moinuddin Chishti and Nizamuddin Auliya are in India and attract visitors from all over the world. India is also home to some of the most famous monuments of Islamic architecture like the Taj Mahal and the Qutb Minar. Civil matters related to the community are dealt with by the Muslim Personal Law, and constitutional amendments in 1985 established its primacy in family matters. The Constitution of India declares the nation to be a secular republic that must uphold the right of citizens to freely worship and propagate any religion or faith. The Constitution of India also declares the right to freedom of religion as a fundamental right. Citizens of India are generally tolerant of each other’s religions and retain a secular outlook, although inter-religious marriage is not widely practiced. Inter-community clashes have found little support in the social mainstream, and it is generally perceived that the causes of religious conflicts are political rather than ideological in nature. LEARNING INSIGHT: I learned also that India known or recognized because of the big contribution of the religion. That all of us know that religion is one the biggest part of the culture of one country. They are also known because many of other religions in the world have a relationship in the Indian spiritual; Even though our country has a relationship to the Indian spirituall y. Form of government India is a federal state with a parliamentary form of government. It is governed under the 1949 constitution. The president of India, who is head of state, is elected for a five-year term by the elected members of the federal and state parliaments, there are no term limits. Theoretically the president possesses full executive power, but that power actually is exercised by the prime minister and council of ministers, who are appointed by the president. The ministers are responsible to the lower house of Parliament and must be members of Parliament. The federal parliament is bicameral. The upper house, the Council of States, consists of a maximum of 250 members; the great majority are apportioned by state-each state’s delegates are chosen by its elected assembly-and 12 members are appointed by the president. One member represents the union territory of Puducherry. Members serve for six years, with one third retiring every other year. The lower house, the People’s Assembly, is elected every five years, although it may be dissolved earlier by the president. It is composed of 545 members, 543 apportioned among the states and two chosen by the president. There is a supreme court consisting of a chief justice and 25 associate justices, all appointed by the president. Administratively, India is divided into 28 states and seven union territories. State governors are appointed by the president for five-year terms. States have either unicameral or bicameral parliaments and have jurisdiction over police and public order, agriculture, education, public health, and local government. The federal government has jurisdiction over any matter not specifically reserved for the states. In addition the president may intervene in state affairs during emergencies and may even suspend a state’s government. LEARNING INSIGHT: Like us, the India also has a state organization that composed of president that they has a power to the country; but the different is the power is from their prime minister that we don’t have. The president have a big obligation for their country, they have also for the small places organization to help the president and the prime minister. Traditional health care approaches India is a country of 1.2 billion people; India contains extremes of wealth and poverty, with state-of-the-art hospitals and areas devoid of any formal healthcare services. This newly-launched program examines traditional approaches to healthcare in India and how such systems fit into the country’s overall health and development. Coursework will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of traditional health systems, particularly Ayurveda, yoga, and Siddha. Students will engage with a diversity of practitioners and healers through lectures and site visits to highly regard traditional health institutions. Students will be able to situate these practices within larger Indian socio cultural and economic contexts. While modern allopathic healthcare is highly regarded across South Asia, local and traditional medicinal systems continue to be valued and regularly practiced. With the recent establishment of the new government department AYUSH (Ayurveda, yoga, Unani, Siddha, and homeopathy), under the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, traditional medicine has gained new ground. The program is designed for undergraduates studying health sciences or liberal arts. Indian civilization is one of the oldest heritages of mankind. It is comprehensive having multi faceted cultural aspects. Ayurveda the mother of all traditional health care sciences is the part & parcel of Indian culture but in spite of this it has a separate identity & status. Ayurveda is co-existed since the emergence of humanity about 3 to 5 thousand years B.C. In Ayurveda ancient mega texts it is mentioned that, the Brahma creator of universe has recollected memorized the Ayurveda and advised for the welfare of the humanity. Ayurveda is the most pragmatic & progressive health care science, in span of time, it is enriched with many new practices, procedures & materials assuming the present status, the existing documented Ayurveda are the meager part of delivered ancient Ayurveda.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Office Art Memo - 2320 Words

Office Art Memo Rodolfo J. Nodal Prof. R. Henry HUM112 11/11/13 Abstract The following essay will identify three examples of each, 19th century Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings and seeks to explain how these works fall into the two distinct styles. I we will explain to my boss, who has assigned me the task of managing the art budget and selecting six works to be displayed at the new corporate office, the historical significance of each piece, a description of each piece; with images were possible, and it’s probable placement in a corporate office setting. I will also offer my thoughts as to how each piece is likely to be consistent with our corporate image. I will analyze some possible symbolisms and†¦show more content†¦This piece would be well suited and displayed in the executive conference room as it symbolizes the conviction of innovation in a clam controlled manner in line with targets as stated in our corporate mission statement. Impression, soleillevant 1872 Pierre-Auguste Renoir; (1841-1919) This piece viewed as one of Renoir’s most popular and cheerful canvases. It is known to have sold in 1923 for USD $125,000. to American collector, Duncan Phillips and recorded as the highest price paid for a painting at the time (Russell, 2008). Blending various genres, landscape, still life, and portraiture, Renoir depicts a social gathering of friends and colleagues at a favorite restaurant, the Maison Fournaise in Chatou, France. The use of light and color is nothing short of spectacular in this piece and adds to the cheerful and leisurely ambiance of the work. The composition is grounded and balance by the vertical and horizontal elements of the awning and the disbursement of the cast of members. The work is also symbolic of the changing times as a result of industrialization and the progressive rise of the Bourgeois and the charm of their social structures. This piece would show well in any office setting but is best suited for display in the main reception area for all to enjoy as it invokes one of the main target groups of the Travel Retail industry, that of leisure time. Le dà ©jeuner des canotiers 1881 Claude Monet;Show MoreRelatedOffice Art Memo Office Art Memo Office Art Memo Essays1090 Words   |  5 PagesOFFICE ART MEMO 1 Assignment #2: Office Art Memo, Brenda Roper Professor Lynn Wilson World Cultures II – HUM 112 March 3, 2013 OFFICE ART MEMO 2 The three impressionist painting I choose is Dance Class by Edgar Degas, Lunchon of the Boating Party by Piette Augustine RenoirRead MoreEssay about Office Memo1573 Words   |  7 PagesWHAT IS AN OFFICE MEMO AND HOW DO I WRITE ONE List these headings in your memo. Please do not forget to list the headings - Facts, Issue and Short Answer, Analysis, Counter-Argument, Rebuttal, and Conclusion. The office memo combines your ability to explain the law along with your ability to apply the law. 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